ITG Journal DVD Everything published from 1976-2017

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The International Trumpet Guild Journal 1976-2017

ITG Journal Editors: Anne F. Hardin, Stephen L. Glover, Michael Caldwell, Gary Mortenson & Peter Wood

A DVD-ROM rather than a compact disk, this production contains all articles, columns, reviews, and other materials published in all ITG Journals (ISSN: 0363-2845) published between October 1976 and June 2017; all ITG Newletters (ISSN: 0363-2857) published between October 1976 and May 1982; and two early organizational newsletters. The DVD is fully searchable for phrases and key words. The DVD also contains every supplement published along with the represented journals (see below for a complete listing of supplements).

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List of music supplements represented on this DVD

Bach, J.S. – adapted by James McKee
Sonata (Adagio from Sonata No. 1 for solo violin) (May 78)

Haydn, Franz Joseph – Donald Bullock, ed.
Concerto (E-flat trumpet part) (Oct. 79)

Bach, J.S. – David Baldwin, trans
Presto (unaccompanied trumpet) (Feb. 80)

Beck, Frederick A.
Vocalise (unaccompanied flugelhorn) (Oct. 80)

Sampson, David

Litany of Breath NL(Feb. 81)

Vizzuti, Allen

Cascades (unaccompanied trumpet) (Oct. 81)

Theurer, Britton

Feste (2 trumpets) (Dec. 82)

Plog, Anthony
Animal Ditties II: The Chipmunk; The Elk (narrator, B-flat trumpet, and piano) (Sep. 83)

Frackenpohl, Arthur
Aria (B-flat piccolo trumpet and piano) (Dec. 83)

Sampson, David
Winter Ceremony (2 trumpets, glass chimes, and suspended cymbal) (Feb. 84)

Rothbart, Peter
"In and Out of the Shadows He Crept..." (2 trumpets) (Sept. 85)

Gohman, Elena
Elegy (trumpet and piano) (Feb. 86)

Heussenstamm, George
Double Quintet, op. 81 (trumpet ensemble) (May 86)

Palestrina, arr. Mel Broiles
Congratulamini Mihi (4 trumpets) (Sept. 86)

Broiles, Mel
Blazing Trumpets (trumpet choir and percussion) (May. 87)

Guentzel, Gus
The Four Horsemen (4 trumpets) (Sept. 87)

Levy, Jules
The Carnival of Venice (cornet and piano) (May 88)

von Weber, Carl Maria
Tusch für 20 Trompeten (20 trumpets (May 88)

von Weber, Carl Maria
Marcia vivace für 10 trompeten (10 trumpets) (May 88)

Brink, Paul
Fanfare for Churchill Downs (5 trumpets) (Sept. 89)

Sapieyevski, Jerzy
Arioso (trumpet and woodwind quintet; trumpet part only) (Sept. 89)

Jun, Sun
Celebrating Harvest (B-flat trumpet and piano) (May 90)

Herforth, Harry, B. trans.
J.S. Bach, My Spirit be Joyful, transcribed for brass quintet (Dec. 91)

Sampson, David
Solo for Unaccompanied Flugelhorn (Feb 92)

Martini, Giovanni Battista
Toccata (brass quintet) Peter Knudsvig, arr. (May 94)

Richter, Ferdinand Tobias
Sonata from the serenada Le Promesse de gli Dei for Trumpet and Organ, arranged and edited by Leo Kappel (Feb. 95)

Forestier, J.
Fantasie Brilliante, for B-flat cornet and piano (Courtesy of Robert M. Hazen) (May 95)

Thema and Variations, for E-flat cornet and piano (Scala Collection, Library of Congress) Anonymous, arranged by Kehrhahn. Arranged and edited by H. M. Lewis (May 95)

Turrin, Joseph
"Psalm" from Two Portraits for Flugelhorn (Cornet or Trumpet) and Piano (Feb. 96)

Listov, Konstantin
Funeral Fanfare for 3 Trumpets, Timpani, and Snare Drum by Konstantin Listov (Written in 1923 for the funeral of Vassily Brandt) (May 96)

Vizzuti, Allen
Variations on The Carnival of Venice (trumpet part) (Feb. 97)

Stanley, John
Trumpet Voluntary, arranged for brass quintet by Bryan Goff (Feb. 98)

Wilson, Dana
I Remember… for unaccompanied trumpet (Sept. 98)

Ewazen, Eric
Prelude and Fugue for Trumpet Choir (Jan. 01)

Olcott, James
Etude #2 from The Charlier Companion (Jan. 02)

Sousa, John Philip
La Reine D’Amour for cornet and piano (June 03)

Scriabin, A.N.
Two movements from Scriabiniana transcribed for trumpet and piano by Timofei Dokshizer (Mar. 04)

Coombes, Nigel
Trumpet Salutations for six B-flat trumpets (Jan. 05)

Trubitt, Allen
Nine Studies for Trumpet (Jan. 06)

Viitasaari, Jukka
Bothnian Rhapsody for Brass Quintet (Mar. 07)

Wipo (attributed)
Victimae Paschali Laudes, arr. Pat Harbison (Mar. 08)

Keller, F. J. - Elisa Koehler, arr.
Fantasia on "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" (cornet and piano) (June 09)

Gilbert, Jay W.
Elegy for two trumpets in C or B-flat (Mar. 10)

Stravinsky, Igor
Fanfare for three trumpets (Mar. 11)

Morales, Erik
Within Sacred Walls for six trumpets (June. 11)

Treybig, Joel
Appendix to J.S. Bach's Obbligatos: Beautiful and Significant Curiosities from BWV 5, 46, and 90 (Mar. 11)

Hovhaness, Alan - Charles Manson, arr.
Prayer of St. Gregory arr. for two trumpets (Oct. 11)

Vicente, José Guerra
Concert para Turompete e Orquesta (solo trumpet part only) (Jan. 12)

Bernofsky, Lauren
Fantasia for solo trumpet (June 12)

Bob Gillis
Three for Three for jazz trio (trumpet, sax, piano) Score (Aug. 12)

Bob Gillis
Three for Three for jazz trio (trumpet, sax, piano) Parts (Aug. 12)

Byrd, Richard
Great American Fanfare for ten B-flat trumpets (Jan. 13)

Byrd, Richard
Great American Fanfare for ten B-flat trumpets (Jan. 13)

Bach, J.S.; Brian Neal & David Brubeck, arr.
Badinerie for piccolo trumpet in A and bass trombone (Mar. 14)

Wachner, Julian
Blue Green Red mvmt. II for trumpet in C and organ (June 15)

Stradner, Gerhard and Edward H. Tarr
Old Trumpet Flourishes from Austria for trumpet/timpani ensembles (June 15)

Morais, Fernando
Estudos Bem-Humorados para Trompete Solo for solo trumpet (Jan. 17)

List of text supplements represented on this DVD

Membership card and Questionnaire (Feb. 75)

Charlier, Théo – Michel Laplace and Cliff Warren, trans.
Thirty-Six Transcendent Studies for Trumpet, Cornet or Fluegelhorn in B-flat: text translation from French to English (May 79)

Hooper, Charles
ITG Trumpet Alphabet (poster) (May 81)

Clark, Keith C.
Errata and Suggestions for 36 Transcendental Etudes by Theo Charlier (Oct. 81)

Briney, Bruce
The Chronology of the Trumpet (Feb. 82)

Gardner, Ned
Excerpts from Music for Trumpet and Piano (soundsheet) (Dec. 84)

Lowrey, Alvin and Laplace, Michel
Roger Delmotte: A Discography (May 85)

Jun, Sun
Calligraphy (presented to the ITG at 1988 Conference) (Dec. 88)

Eisensmith, Kevin, ed.
Trumpet and Brass Programs 1989-90*

Tarr, Edward H. (translator):
Mandate Against the Unauthorized Playing of Trumpets (Sept. 91)

Carnovale, Norbert A. & Paul F. Doerksen
Twentieth Century Music for Trumpet and Orchestra (Feb. 94)

Trumpet Notes, August, 1888 (Courtesy of Nancy White and Conn, a member of United Musical Instruments U.S.A., Inc.) (May 95)

Cron, Matthew & Don Smithers
A Calendar and Comprehensive Source Catalogue of Georg Philipp Telemann's Vocal and Instrumental Music with Brass**

Glover, Stephen L., ed.
ITG Journal Index 1976-May 1997 (Sept. 97)

Kristin Mortenson, ed.
ITG Journal Junior (Jan. 03)***

Hosticka, Frank and Nussbaum, Jeffrey
An Examination of Max Schlossberg's Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet and the Existing Schlossberg Manuscripts (June 09)

Bowman, Joseph
Historical Trumpet Discography (Oct. 09)

LaPlace, Michel
Remembering Maurice André (French translation) (June 12)

Hirt, Aindrias
Addendum to "The Devolution of the Shepherd Trumpet and Its Seminal Importance in Music History (Jan. 15)

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